Phoenix Nexus News ****** CSNN ******, Issue 13 - Star Date 215.21.2
****** CSNN ******, Issue 13 - Star Date 215.21.2

****** Caliphate Syndicated News Network (CSNN) ******

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Welcome to another edition of news and views from the CSNN's favourite reporter and news anchor, Ainsley Moore, the peripheries' most favourite unbiased publication in the known universe, after a period of holiday for the CSNN team who was taken in by Caliphate security forces,

And so with the news,

Corewards Conflict Update – Alien War on Humanity Summary

What began as a system contest in Corewards has continued to escalate in recent weeks. An undeclared Alien Alliance between the Flagritz (FLZ), Hexamon (HEX) and Dewiek Elder Nation (DEN) launches ever more aggressive strikes into Empire home territories. Human citizens, employees and soldiers are all reported to be galvanised by the attacks and committed to enduring these guerrilla raids.

Most recently, small groups of Flagritz assault ships have been harassing supply lines and bombarding outposts in Imperial (IMP) space. This is thought to be a response to the Viceroy’s decision to revoke registration from FLZ outposts, which rightly have no place in the Empire.

Humanity’s ambassadors have worked hard to achieve peace and bring an end to the conflict. Believing Dewiek interests were focused on Coreward, the Caliphate’s Vizier made an open and balanced offer to restore relations. This offer took into account both the Zewt and Galleon systems. The DEN responded by striking hard against Caliphate Bloc outposts in the Darkfold, using cover of a peace offer to move their raider ships into position. Within hours of the peace offer being rejected, the attack began. CSNN invites readers to draw their own conclusions.

Next recipients of a diplomatic approach were the Hexamon. Having impugned the honour of the Imperial Viceroy, IMP and GTT extracted compensation by taking a HEX Starbase in Astra. The Empire then made an offer to cease fire. No longer able to deny IMP’s willingness to make peace, the Hexamon announced their own intention to make war, starting a series of attacks on unarmed freighters and Caliphate Bloc outposts. At the time of writing, these attacks are ongoing.

Meanwhile Flagritz nobles, who are assumed to be organising the conflict while DEN and HEX endure the bulk of the losses, have stepped up their involvement in violence against humanity. This involvement is reportedly based on a claim for “reparations” when their ships were destroyed during the Crossonan (Zewt) blockade. CSNN has not been informed why warships in a warzone should be subject to reparations.

It is difficult to understand what the Alien Alliance hopes to achieve by expanding and escalating this ongoing war. Neither DEN nor HEX have declared any objective beyond a desire to kill and maim as many humans as possible.

May the True One bring light to all those who suffer in this dark time.

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Military think tanks brainstorm the intentions of the Alien Alliance.

Corewards Conflict – Expansion Update

DEN, FLZ and HEX force have stuck civilian outposts across the Darkfold region, causing major damage and large loss of civilian life.

Where the material and equipment loss can be replaced, the loss of life will be loss to the entire Caliphate. These brave men and women, who were viciously murdered for working for the Caliphate cause, will be missed by all.

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Picture from one of the many devastated outposts

Corewards Conflict – Expansion Update

Multiple fleet engagements have occurred throughout the Darkfold region with one battle seeing the loss of significant portion of the Caliphate Self Defence Fleet.

The loss of these warships can be replaced but the loss of lives cannot. Again, Brave men and women working for the Caliphate cause have been viciously murdered protecting their homes from the alien threat.

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Amateur picture of burning debris

Corewards Conflict – Expansion Update

Reports have come into the CSNN offices regarding an Alien Alliance attack in the Lewis system.

Though reports are sketchy, little or no reports have been made available by Imperial Command so further analysis is not possible.

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Frustrated reporter tries de-stressing techniques

Corewards Conflict – Imperial Army takes HEX base

The Imperial Army, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, has taken the HEX Lannus Crossing within the Astra system after many days of fighting.

The HEX base had previously been claiming for the DEN against the CAL system claim prior to the Imperial Army’s arrival.

The successful assault ended the DEN system claim, with the loss much material and precious life all round.

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Imperial army uses all its available weapons to dislodge the HEX

Corewards Conflict - GTT Army takes FLZ base

Corporate forces under the control of the GTT initiated a hostile takeover of a FLZ outpost with the St. Dismas system.

The forces, backed up by overwhelming fire support by the local GTT starbase, took the base after 2 day of fighting.

Battle reports seen by the CSNN show the local GTT starbase put more than 1.8 million damage into the FLZ base on day 1 of combat, through the use of advanced artillery systems.

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Dramatic photograph of artillery hitting its target from an embedded reporter

Other News - Caliphate Expansion Plans March Ahead

The Caliphate's "Darius Plan" has been continuing at a hectic pace after sources within the project management revealed to the CSNN that infrastructure items are now being stockpiled in order to meet needed demand throughout the Caliphate.

Official sources have stated the stockpile of "advanced colonisation modules" have now topped the 11,000 mark with now end in production in sight.

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Advanced colonisation module being calibrated by a technician.

Other News - True One Support Increases

Following recent hostilities breaking out in several Darkfold systems, support for the True One has never been higher.

Brotherhood sources have told CSNN reporters that AA hostiles actions have left many families looking for solace within temples and convents after hearing of loved ones being killed in recent outpost attacks.

The Brotherhood are saying that numbers are rising but "the public should not be overly concerned as the True One protects all".

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BHD sermon calm citizen's fears

Other News - Firearm Sales Boost Caliphate Economy

Firearm sales in the Caliphate regions have seen a sharp rise in recent days, with some stores being left with empty warehouses as citizens rush to arm themselves.

Firearms from simple pistols to the latest laser rifles have been bought up by Caliphate citizens, wishing to do their part in the defence of the Darkfold.

System governors have had a 1000% increase in applications to local Planetary Defence Force (PDF) showing the strength of support for the Caliphate, whilst local security forces have noted a sharp decline in robberies and murders possible due to the increase in having an armed populace.

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Photo showing the remaining available rifles in a caliphate gun shop.

This ends of another unbiased edition of CSNN of which we hope we can bring updates to these news stories,

This is Ainsley Moore, reporting for the CSNN, let peace and prosperity be upon you all.

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****** End of Transmission ******