Jump Map System Map Planet Map Items Affiliations Markets  
DTR Porta Capella (1303)
Location: Yank (146) on Lunk (603)
Orbital Dock Capacity: 200 Hulls
Hiports Available: 1
Maintenance Complexes: 7
Complex Access:
Maintenance: Anyone
Rec: Anyone
Ship Yard: Anyone
Training: Anyone
Hull Patch Price:
Aff: 100
Ally: 100
Friend: 100
Other: 100
Market Trade Offers:
Low end
High End
Everyone - TRN and IND included - is welcome to dock for recreation maintenance and repairs. TRN starcaptains looking for spares / upgrades for their ships should contact the starbase governor. (Contact: Morley Decker via Nexus)
Sell Item Buy
Quantity Price
Normal Lifeform Perishable Perishable Lifeform
Quantity Buy Price
50 5 Missile (209) 0 0
10 30 Missile Launcher (205) 0 0
Market Trade Offers [*shared]
0 0 Adamski Consumables (51500) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Agripeta Consumables (51980) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Airburst Truffles (30496) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Akira Cat (31934) 594* 33.6
0 0 Akira Essence (32465) 2369* 8.4
0 0 Akira Taddies (31863) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Alalus Beer (32831) 19291* 1
0 0 Alalus Savoury (31893) 2572* 7.8
0 0 Alalus Sea Fish (32369) 9645* 2.1
0 0 Alalus Trout (31818) 5511* 3.6
0 0 Alasdair Spruce (30771) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Alcohol (30145) 270087* 0.1
0 0 Alien Pets (30139) 27008* 0.7
0 0 Amber Clay (37429) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Ant Larvae (30783) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Aquawear (31296) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Arboreal Hogs (33604) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Artworks (30084) 24553* 0.8
0 0 Asterite (31668) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Athenan Seafood (34328) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Athenan Timber (34346) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Aurum Lumber (32170) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Azure Coral (33754) 2813* 7.1
0 0 Bannacrab (31918) 6430* 3.1
0 0 Bannaventan Cockles (39303) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Bartas Meat (34942) 9645* 2.1
0 0 Basaltic Art (30269) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Berrainos (31736) 2813* 7.1
0 0 Betan Bugwine (33126) 2813* 7.1
0 0 Blitch Cotton (37964) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Blood Syrup (31380) 900* 22.2
0 0 Bluethorn Berries (33239) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Boll Root (37254) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Brikshal (36498) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Brin Coral (36522) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Britannicus Consumables (52050) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Britannicus Perishables (52052) 7502* 2.7
0 0 Brond Fish (36099) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Broont Meat (34720) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Brotherhood Artwork (32333) 1929* 10.4
0 0 Brotherhood Holy Literature (39128) 19291* 1
0 0 Brotherhood Holy Wine (39122) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Brotherhood Icons (31833) 9397* 2.1
0 0 Brotherhood Incense Sticks (39058) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Brotherhood Ornaments (39107) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Brotherhood Robes (39096) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Brotherhoood Holy Candles (39140) 3858* 5.2
0 0 Caliphate Art (30341) 2411* 8.3
0 0 Caliphate Literature (32922) 19291* 1
0 0 Carvetii Blackberries (31991) 9002* 2.2
0 0 Carvetii Turtle (31817) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Castor Fish (31100) 3858* 5.2
0 0 Cedy Sharks (30391) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Celt Consumables (51960) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Checkbeef (30673) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Checkbeef Horn (32618) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Chenish Seafood (34647) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Chic Clothing (30158) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Chirruping Newts (30091) 3215* 6.2
0 0 Climbing Plant (30097) 1406* 14.2
0 0 Clothing (30152) 45014* 0.4
0 0 Consumer Goods (30060) 270087* 0.1
0 0 Cosmetics (30142) 27008* 0.7
0 0 Crayce Jelly (36060) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Crimson Phoenix Feathers (30154) 1875* 10.7
0 0 Crossonan Fish Oil (32893) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Crossonan Grass Fibre (32908) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Crossonan Heather (32664) 9002* 2.2
0 0 Crossonan Lumber (32919) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Crossonan Redtubes (32910) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Crossonan Round Crab (32894) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Crossonan Yellows (32035) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Crystal Silk (30103) 900* 22.2
0 0 Crystaline Ornaments (30064) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Cudga Seed (39256) 9002* 2.2
0 0 Culinary Seaweed Oil (30298) 33760* 0.6
0 0 Cyprian Bipod (30366) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Cyprian Scarab Beetles (30087) 1731* 11.6
0 0 Cyprian Wines (30085) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Dalmatian Jewellery (30378) 1875* 10.7
0 0 Dark Whale Meat (31397) 15004* 1.3
0 0 Darkfold Luxuries (50171) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Demon Consumables (50560) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Detinus Media (30336) 34626* 0.6
0 0 Dominican Ice Oil (33761) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Dominican Slugs (31751) 15004* 1.3
0 0 Doze Rat (36483) 9002* 2.2
0 0 Dune Glider Eggs (30086) 1500* 13.3
0 0 Eden Frogs (32810) 4287* 4.7
0 0 Eden Rock Hopper Fur (32847) 3858* 5.2
0 0 Eliss Spice (35517) 3376* 5.9
0 0 Emerald Fan (35571) 2813* 7.1
0 0 Eridani Bison Hides (30476) 4220* 4.7
0 0 Eridani Lobster (30167) 2935* 6.8
0 0 Exala Fish (36575) 4501* 4.4
0 0 False Cheese (38846) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Faoma Egg (34740) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Feather Scale Clothing (30102) 2647* 7.6
0 0 Femto Musk (30708) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Fink Carp (36568) 5626* 3.6
0 0 Fire Jewels (30109) 1406* 14.2
0 0 Flamingo Shawls (30115) 1875* 10.7
0 0 Flatty Stalker (30463) 2813* 7.1
0 0 Food (30048) 135043* 0.1
0 0 Forest Venison (31057) 1500* 13.3
0 0 Freya Newt (31218) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Freyan Pine Goods (30182) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Fruggi Leaves (31609) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Fulgurite Sculpture (32904) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Fullick Boar (34343) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Furs (30138) 30009* 0.7
0 0 Gamma Eel (31533) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Ganesha Ice Fish (31926) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Gangrene Amethyst (30348) 3215* 6.2
0 0 Garon Bark (36556) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Gawtenost Cider (38918) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Goliath Seed (35578) 6752* 3
0 0 Gonber Mouse (36265) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Grauwvy Fish (38953) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Green Monkey (30769) 1500* 13.3
0 0 Groob Oil (36257) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Grotil Skin (37007) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Guilder (30000) 27008* 0.7
0 0 Hail Formation (36934) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Hairy Scallop (32430) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Hanna Lizard (32058) 7716* 2.6
0 0 Haxxak Leather (34886) 2813* 7.1
0 0 Hei Rat (36619) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Hexadeer (31856) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Hive Silk (30432) 54017* 0.4
0 0 Hog Meat (31000) 15004* 1.3
0 0 Holy Water (32134) 19291* 1
0 0 Hooligan Crab (33741) 2813* 7.1
0 0 Hooto Jam (37160) 7716* 2.6
0 0 Hydrograss (30439) 90029* 0.2
0 0 Ice Pike (31922) 9002* 2.2
0 0 Indar Lumber (31854) 19571* 1
0 0 Indar Scallop (37039) 6430* 3.1
0 0 Indarian Megs (31873) 13010* 1.5
0 0 Indimick Hide (36550) 3751* 5.3
0 0 Iovan Fruit (33648) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Istrian Mushrooms (30099) 1832* 10.9
0 0 Jat Moss (38482) 15004* 1.3
0 0 Javelin Fruit (30119) 1607* 12.4
0 0 Jeppa Seed (36484) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Jericho Fish (30809) 12861* 1.6
0 0 Jericho Seaweed (31813) 9645* 2.1
0 0 Jesuit Furs (30817) 2813* 7.1
0 0 Jesuit Hogs (31022) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Jesuit Scarlet (30811) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Jewel Fish (32786) 1875* 10.7
0 0 Jewellery (30137) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Jikka Fur (36270) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Jinko Fur (36511) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Jinlin Egg (36516) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Jip Seed (37169) 19291* 1
0 0 Jorpic Worm (37189) 9645* 2.1
0 0 Joustonian Trout (30461) 15004* 1.3
0 0 Kanawa Kelp (31489) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Kastorian Grain (34258) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Kastorian Sea Food (34263) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Kastorian Yeast (30774) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Kello Crab (35579) 8440* 2.4
0 0 Kippyo Hide (36597) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Kub Wine (34638) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Lantern Fisher (35641) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Leerib Snake (35661) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Luxury Foods (30010) 27008* 0.7
0 0 Luxury Goods (30061) 27008* 0.7
0 0 Manderrie Art (32209) 1875* 10.7
0 0 Manostel Squid (34324) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Marinated Avian Foetus (30788) 1323* 15.1
0 0 Marsh Cabbage (31828) 7502* 2.7
0 0 Marsh Shark (31410) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Medical Supplies (30155) 20775* 1
0 0 Mei Guppies (31698) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Mei Kraken (36792) 1875* 10.7
0 0 Mei Sea Squirt (32833) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Mei Seaweed (31695) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Mercury Neptunite (31523) 19291* 1
0 0 Mil Pod (36542) 2813* 7.1
0 0 Mnemosyne Krill (30497) 19859* 1
0 0 Monistiat Cotton (36615) 16880* 1.2
0 0 Monk's Corn (31254) 19291* 1
0 0 Mookie Geodes (30409) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Moss Boobies (30937) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Moss Jasmine (30508) 2813* 7.1
0 0 Movil Fungus (34718) 5626* 3.6
0 0 Nirvana Jungle Fruits (30484) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Nirvana Wood Carving (31587) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Northfall Herring (32523) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Northfall Lumber (32598) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Northfall Perch (32538) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Northfall Shellfish (32537) 9002* 2.2
0 0 Northfall Wine (32521) 3654* 5.5
0 0 Northfall Wrens (32599) 5001* 4
0 0 Ogre Algae (37258) 9002* 2.2
0 0 Okiff Grass (34732) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Orange Coral (33895) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Paradise Mink (30703) 964* 20.7
0 0 Paradise Wine (30691) 1929* 10.4
0 0 Personalised AI (34022) 9002* 2.2
0 0 Petrodon Steaks (30088) 2500* 8
0 0 Pix Silk (36958) 1125* 17.8
0 0 Pixo Seed (36499) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Plague Beast Carapace (30559) 1875* 10.7
0 0 Plantmesh (30374) 45014* 0.4
0 0 Pond Aphids (31738) 18756* 1.1
0 0 Preece Oil (36631) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Priron Imp (36641) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Proke Grass (37252) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Prosper Trout (37008) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Puce Fruit (32218) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Pyrophine (31504) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Quad Bat (34724) 5626* 3.6
0 0 Quelt Moss (37024) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Raida Hawk (36471) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Red Fuzz (30789) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Reeshen Meat (37173) 7502* 2.7
0 0 Regeel Wool (35622) 7502* 2.7
0 0 Rile Moss (37022) 33760* 0.6
0 0 Rinjilla Skin (37121) 6752* 3
0 0 Roo Wheat (30423) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Rotes Guppy (35282) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Ruin Crab (34168) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Samiv Rat (37139) 9002* 2.2
0 0 Sand Kraken Egg (34639) 7502* 2.7
0 0 Scamp Hides (30046) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Scarlet Wingtips (33600) 1875* 10.7
0 0 Scorze Crab (39051) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Sea Vines (30095) 10230* 2
0 0 Segundo Aquatic Pets (33356) 3376* 5.9
0 0 Serral Prawn (35161) 4822* 4.1
0 0 Shangri-La Trout (30979) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Sharp Fox (33473) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Sheeral Weed (35177) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Shingle Moles (30655) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Shiva Fish (31844) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Shiva Reef (31832) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Shivan Mackeral (32422) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Skallangire (39257) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Sole Cabbage (34332) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Solo Consumables (51210) 33760* 0.6
0 0 Spland Oil (31970) 2741* 7.3
0 0 Sting Fruit (36636) 5626* 3.6
0 0 Sulian Spice (32551) 1500* 13.3
0 0 Sunburst Shrimp (37020) 6430* 3.1
0 0 Surf Fossils (31795) 1500* 13.3
0 0 Surf Jellyfish (31060) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Swamp Consumables (50440) 22507* 0.9
0 0 Swamp Perishables (50442) 7502* 2.7
0 0 Swilitch Fur (36953) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Taliesyn Cap (34334) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Tarisic Skin (36984) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Taritol Hide (36982) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Towd Garlic (34880) 9645* 2.1
0 0 Trafalgar Hemp (32696) 12504* 1.6
0 0 Triln Bark (36646) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Trophies (30279) 27008* 0.7
0 0 Tropic Mountain Water (33052) 11253* 1.8
0 0 True One Bibles (32332) 37591* 0.5
0 0 Umber Butter (38910) 15004* 1.3
0 0 Vexo Berry (36521) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Vishnu Beef (31765) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Wagol Meat (33641) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Warg Snail (37122) 5193* 3.9
0 0 Water Peaches (30090) 2250* 8.9
0 0 White Shrimp (31498) 16880* 1.2
0 0 Whitta Bile (36623) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Widiro Leaf (37159) 15004* 1.3
0 0 Wing Art (31750) 3000* 6.7
0 0 Wrack Gin (35163) 2046* 9.8
0 0 Xilly Finch (36630) 9002* 2.2
0 0 Yag Wine (35649) 5626* 3.6
0 0 Yingbone (36574) 2250* 8.9
0 0 Yok Fish (38000) 4501* 4.4
0 0 Zephyr Cod (35227) 11253* 1.8
0 0 Zuphus Seafood (37174) 15004* 1.3
0 0 Zuphus Whale (37172) 1875* 10.7