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Goramist Charter
Rules and Laws of Goramist.

1) Permission to explore Goramist is required before it can begin.

2) All outposts in system are to register.

3) All Starbases in system are to register and claim for KRL, with at least 1000 Troops.

4) Permission is required to setup Outposts and Starbases.

5) Permission is required to sell outposts and Starbases.

6) Exclusion Zone, no one is allowed at Raggorin , without prior concent from Imperator Galaphile.

7) Slavery is not allowed within KRL territory.

Thats important basic Laws and rules, now the rest of them are simple, if you want to do
anything within the system, you need permission...

Imperator Galaphile
Clan of the Vo Mimbre
Type Target
Affiliation Pirate (90)