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With increasing interest in local politics, civilian support for system claims and general improvements of world infrastructure, it comes as little surprise to find that players are also looking for other forms of support, especially when it looks like somebody is about to hand them their ass.

This is not an easy essay to write simply because there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to panicking base governors beseeching planetary civil authorities to muster up hard working and tax-paying civilians and turn them over to be used as cannon fodder whose role is often to delay the inevitable while the governor organises the stripping of vital assets from said base before buggering off and leaving everyone to die.

There are quite a lot of variables to consider but below is a rough idea of what factors are taken into consideration by the GM when responding to a special action begging for aid from the civilian population. Before this however it is sensible to dispel some illusions about the ‘awesomeness’ of these free troops, these unpaid saviours that apparently have the power to appear at whim, screwing over months of planning.

How good are militia compared with other troops?
A typical militia troop from a world with contemporary levels of technology will have defence and damage of 2 and 1 control factor, i.e. half as good as a mercenary and less than a quarter as good as a soldier due to a soldier’s damage reduction value of 1.

There is however some variance in these numbers based on the location where the militia was raised. Native militia are particularly poor with no control factors and as they are armed with little more than sticks and stones, their damage is almost negligible. Even a contemporary world may produce inferior militia such as could be expected from a world depleted by conflict or otherwise unable to provide ordnance.

Where they originate from martial cultures they may have improved damage and control factors though depending on the culture it is more often the case that one has been sacrificed for increasing the other. Aggressive cultures for example may have damage of 1.5 while their control factors have decreased to 0.8 or even less. Pacifistic cultures are likely to produce generally inferior militia (and fewer of them - see below).

The greatest value of militia however is their ability to soak damage that would otherwise be inflicted on trained troops. From a purely pragmatic point of view, militia are primarily a sentient shield.

In most cases militia will have a promotion route, meaning that there will be amongst the militia some that show their natural talents. During the course of combat, some will therefore be promoted, normally to mercenary status.
How much do they cost?

Militia are unique to a specific world and while they are on secondment to a base on the world, their wages are paid for by the civilian government. Should, in their infinite wisdom, governors decide that the militia can fight elsewhere in the universe; they will lose this subsidised status and have to be paid for as normal personnel.

The actual cost of raising a militia is generally free for the basic amount, though normally the amount raised can be increased by up to a factor of 3. Generally speaking this increase is around 2 stellars/militia. Offers of other goods in lieu of payment are not viable for a few reasons. Getting the goods out of the base at short notice and to the appropriate civilian location is impractical. Determining what they actually want and arguing over the price could take time. Most importantly, if a governor believes that a base will fall, they have no qualms about giving away goods that are likely to be captured by the attacker anyway – which falls into the category ‘taking the piss’. So, we require that stellars are paid with the theory that when it is all over, the stellars will be used by the civilian population in the merchandising complexes and the purchase of trade goods. Whether they are buying from old or new owners of the base is down to how things turned out.

How long can you keep them?
Militia are very much a temporary measure, raised in need and let go as soon as possible. Normally, once they are no longer needed a governor can either run a special action to release them back into society, possibly with some sort of flowery speech and some goods (yes, at this point they are more than happy to accept trade goods and other things). Alternatively the governor can simply sack them, saving themselves the cost of a special action. There is no negative effect of sacking them and unless there is something specific be it information or orbital reference to a nice now cenotaph, sacking is perfectly acceptable.

If however you enjoy having your free troops manning the walls and saving the wage bill you can of course simply keep them in the base. As the date the militia were mustered has been saved, this could backfire. The use of agents and operatives could be used to stir antipathy for being kept on long after they fulfilled their duty. It will affect future attempts to raise militia and should the amount of militia be excessive, it can have a negative knock-on to the planetary economy (at some point, once civvy trading has been launched I will be working on some code that deals with attrition of militia and future attempts to raise them, once the values have been set by the GM).

Population Size
As a starting figure a rapid response militia will be around 0.02% of the total population, i.e. 1 in 5,000. This is effectively a proportion of the planetary defence force that can be seconded to a base in trouble.

A newly established population with basic colonisation support will be able to provide at short notice around 20 militia! While a stage 3 colony with a population of 5 million will be able to supply around 1,000. Realistically it is probably not worth bothering attempting to raise a militia at a moment’s notice from the civilian population if the population is less than 5 million unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Species and Culture
As pointed out above, some cultures are more martial than others and by the same token so are some species. This generally has a factor between 0.1 and 1.
Typical examples:
Wimbles are notoriously difficult to convince to pick up arms and normally have a factor of 0.3 while most humans and dewiek have a value of 1.

Relationship to Base and Affiliation
At one end of the scale there are outposts that have been happily mining ores on worlds that have never had any interaction with the civilian population at all. The civilian population may not even be aware that the outposts exist. At the other end of the scale, there may have been pre-starbase-construction special actions getting to know the population and establishing permission to build. Following this the new governor of starbase may have agreed a programme of uplifts to the population and carried them out, exhausting modules, tech, goods and stellars for the benefit of the civilian population (and yes, also increasing trade and merchandising – it’s not purely driven by altruism).

Next there is the relationship between the civilian population and the affiliation of the base. Is there civilian support for the system claim and if so, to what degree? Is the population for example the fanatical followers of the True One, do they swear allegiance to the Emperor? Do they hate the Flagritz having been liberated only a few years ago from planetary wide slavery?

Together these situations equate to a factor between 0 and 10, with 1 equating to a starbase on a world that contributes to the system claim of the starbase’s affiliation while 2 is appropriate for an imperially aligned world with respect to an IMP starbase. A factor of 10 is appropriate for a starbase that has just created a colony of 100,000 civilians and exhausted the appropriate tech, though a factor of 10 equates to only around two hundred militia! Even so, this level of loyalty is only likely to exist for a few months as the colonists find more important things to live for. A Flagritz starbase on a conquered wimble world will have a factor of around .5, presuming coercion (which equates to an overall factor 0.15 when taking into account wimbles disinclination to form militia).

Location of Base with respect to population centres
With respect to the rapid raising of militia, distance between the base and areas of high density population will play an important role. Civilian technology will to some degree mitigate excessive distance. If Transport tech have been given over to the civilian population and the world has reached stage 3 (at least 5 million), it is presumed that there is reasonably advanced and extensive transport infrastructure such that militia can get to a base that is within a few of sectors of urban and cultivated sectors. Where there are many cultivated and urban sectors with respect to the population, this equates to a lower population density. There is some degree of ‘fluffiness’ in determining this factor but for a world with 5M population and a combined total of less than 5 urban and cultivated sectors, having a base within a couple of sectors equates to a factor of 1, i.e. the basic amount of militia can be raised. If the world on the other hand had total of 15 urban and cultivated sectors scattered all round the world, then a factor of 0.5 is more realistic. Normally 1 is the upper limit, though under exceptional circumstances such as an asteroid, there is some justification of increasing it, though it is probable that this factor is modest compared to other situational modifiers.

For simplicities sake, for a world with a population in the hundreds of millions and urban and cultivated sectors on most continents, an upper limit to the base amount of 50,000 militia is considered practical (which can be increased to 150,000 with payment).

Recent Politics and Events
When raising a militia there is obviously going to be some sort of spin on the situation. Generally it is along the lines that whoever is on the horizon will not be as benign to the civilian population as those already here. No doubt tales of previous atrocities will be detailed and of course the ongoing civilian development programme will be terminated and as for those yummy unique foods from the home systems, they will obviously be a thing of the past. Together these can provide a convincing argument for increasing the size of the militia. By the same token, if this is the third militia raising attempt in as many days and the fate of previous militia is less than rosy, it is fairly clear that volunteers will be thin on the ground and even the civilian authorities will be somewhat unenthusiastic when it comes to sending more meat to the grinder.

Again, if there is little in the way of evidence that the governor is getting support from his own faction, locals will be less inclined to help out. As for the base asking for militia while stripping the base of veterans and tech… Militia may walk in through one gate, get a solid idea of that is in store for them if they fight and march straight back out.

If word* gets to civilian populations that the affiliation has a penchant for carpet-bombing their own bases after they are captured, you can be fairly certain that militia are unlikely to leap to the base’s defence.

*by this it is meant really solid evidence such as captured officers willing to testify

Perceived risk to militia and species integration
Militia know that they are no match for trained troops and no sentient creature (even hive) eagerly throw their lives away. As such militia need to be supported by regular troops in order to preserve the presumption that this is not a lost cause. As such a militia force will not normally be greater than twice the troop compliment of the base. Under most circumstances, the populations of the Peripheries being what they are, getting more than a few thousand militias to aid the cause is unlikely so this factor rarely crops up. This ratio is not exact because militia are not of the habit of counting troops and the quality of the troops may influence the ratio.

Add to this the species of the militia and the species of the troops they will be fighting alongside. Kastorian militia may not be overly keen to work with wimble mercs while human militia may not be overly fond of marching into combat with aquaphids, especially if it is on a water world.

When the militia is needed
So far the above has only dealt with the rapid response element of a militia force, this being available and added to a base as a result of a special action requesting aid and before any form of combat has been initiated. This is important as moving large numbers of civilians around is much easier if it is not under combat conditions. It is presumed that the base will handle the organisation of the militia as they turn up piecemeal at the port. These are rapidly equipped and assigned to troops stationed in the base.

Where a battle has already commenced it is a very different story. The militia will normally take a couple of days to organise and be outside the base, possibly in the nearest urban sector. As such pre-emptive request for militia is vastly superior to post-conflict request to muster.

Due to the generally sparsely populated nature of the Peripheries, militia rarely play a significant role and generally by the time a governor asks for aid from the civilian population the battle is already over. Where the governor is aware of an impending attack, is on one of the heavily populated worlds and had good relations with the civilian population, the raising of a militia may be enough to turn the tide of a battle.
When attacking a base, a cursory population scan will indicate if militia could play a significant role in any forthcoming conflict.

Worlds with the best levels of technology have the best militia. Security and Transport techs play key roles for small populations. Military and Naval techs are only effective for populations in the hundreds of millions.

Generally there will be two parts of raising a militia, a free element and a paid-for to muster element. As the second element normally requires confirmation by the player, it will arrive at the base a day later. This can in theory be superseded specifying a maximum budget for the second element (which may or may not be spent).
Where a conflict has already started, militia will form up in a nearby urban sector a few days after the request for aid.

The amount that can be raised is based on the population. Consider, all other factors being typical that a militia of around 0.05% of the population is a reasonable estimate. For a heavily populated world 50,000 free militia is considered the upper limit (150,000 including paid to muster militia).

For a typical world of 5,000,000 civilians, where there is support for the affiliation and species are similar to the starbase’s troops but little in the way of infrastructure investment, the base could raise around 2,000 free militia and a total of 6,000 for a cost of 8,000 stellars.

The maximum militia to troop ratios is around 2, therefore on Earth for example, the Imperial Services will need 75,000 troops in a base to maximise their call for militia.
Raising additional militia while inadvisable can be done. Results are likely to be poor, highly expensive and will have negative impacts on relations.

Militia on secondment from the civilian population and are free to the base while they are on their origin world though may convert to mercs, quit or negatively affect planetary infrastructure if not released in a timely manner. It is strongly advised that they be released ASAP.

Don't forget to include your account number in the message.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

Claims settle in Solo and Faery

With the NHS bringing in almost a million troops into Solo and the GTT choosing it's moment to contest Faery at the same time, it seems the DTR and it's alllies either found it hard to find enough troops to respond or quite simply decided it wasn't worth the hassle as there were far more important matters to deal with in the Senate. Who knows what other life threatening topics they have to discuss, such as the correct biscuit to have with afternoon tea. The end result is that Solo and Faery, both systems with significant incomes, are now under control of Empire based affiliations.

GTT move to clear out the Dewiek Pocket Pheriphery

Having resorted to bribery to get other affiliations to move out of the DHP, with rumoured multi-million stellar amounts being offered, the GTT now appear to have cranked the pressure up. An AFT base has been attacked and a few of the nearby ships have been blown up and damaged by GTT warship class ships patrolling the area. As we write this report, information we have seen shows that the GTT have already taken 20% of the AFT base and fighting continues. We approached the GTT to ask why they are resorting to force and were told that they have had to move significant military power into the DHP to deal with ANT forces, so now they are mopping up all the resistance of other affilaitions that were asked to leave and decided not to.

BHD relics and trophies

Pope Akhenaten of the Brotherhood has been touting more and more wares that are unique to the BHD. If you are missing a holy relic and have no idea how to fill that little space in your living quarters then you know where to go. From robes to candles, literature to wine and novelty ornaments, it's never been easier to bring a little bit of the Brotherhood home and exchange your stellars for spiritual well being.

*** Affiliations ***

AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
BHD - Brotherhood (63) - Akhenaten
CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
HEX Hexamon (23) - Hexamon
KRL Krell (30) - Namica
KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


*** Submissions ***

By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

Solo claim swings back and forth

The situation in Solo appears to be getting even more heated. First the NHS dropped 600,000 troops to contest the system and then the DTR answered with enough troops of their own to trump the NHS claim. The NHS found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim up to 750,000 and once again the DTR answered, bringing Solo back under DTR control. Now the NHS have had a look down the back of the sofa and found yet more troops, taking the contesting claim to a massive 900,000 trained troops. We wait to see if the DTR have an answer to this. We can only guess where all these troops are coming from, but what is clear is that the established affiliations clearly have far larger armies than many thought.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

NHS attempt to claim Solo away from DTR

In a shock move the NHS have contested the Solo claim with a huge garrison of 600,000 trained troops. In a move that nobody saw coming, especially as it was unknown the NHS had such a large force of troops to draw upon, the NHS seem to be provoking a response from the DTR. Currently there has been no word from the DTR in how they are going to deal with this claim jumping, although rumours are that they are pretending the Solo claim doesn't really matter to them and so action is unlikely. However this may be a smokescreen and we may yet see the DTR's powerful fleet cause havoc in the system of Solo, which has for a long time been an important junction and fought over by many different factions.

DNA Chairman TonTon resigns

The following communication has been leaked from the DNA to the GTT's PD.

Greetings CEO Fox.
It regrets me to have to inform to you that the DNA nation state will be renouncing its claim on Aladdin system following a ceremony planet side, shortly.
However, it gives me great pleasure to have to inform you that these ceremonies are being planned by Vladimir Tavikovitch, the South Road Traffic Coordinator. He is also responsible for all DNA and .ore. assets in the Outer Naplian (Capellan) periphery so if there are any further issues, please take it up with him.
For any and all other matters, please forward your request directly to the DNA directorate services at NexusID: DNA people.
The Foreign Ministry objects one last time to your illegal claim jump of Aladdin, but we realise it is time to de-escalate.
Normally i would sign off with Naambta, but doing so would be hypocritical. Let me say good riddance instead.
I hereby resign in protest!

Chairman TonTon,
Foreign Minister, DNA
cc: Directorate Services personnel coordinator - !urgent resignation!

DTR threaten WMB with fines for multiple breaches of DTR Law

Lady Sylvansight of the DTR has issued a fine of 1,000,000 stellars to the Wimbles for multiple breaches of DTR Penal and Territorial Law. This seems a very brave move of the DTR to risk upsetting the huge and warlike WMB when they also have the rival NHS Solo system claim to deal with. No word has been recieved yet that the Wimbles are going to pay, but if the formidable WMB warfleet is seen heading for the DTR home systems we will know what their thought are on the matter. The DTR and WMB fleets going head to head would be a sight to behold.

*** Affiliations ***

AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
KRL Krell (30) - Namica
KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

* Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


*** Submissions ***

By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

DNA and GTT clash over Aladdin system claim while Pirates look on.

The GTT have this week launched an attack on the DNA outpost in Aladdin, in what appears to be little more than a turkey shoot. Around 100,000 GTT Naplian Startroopers attacked the DNA position to remove the rival system claim. Reports indicate the DNA garrison were taken by surprise and lost control of the base in the first few hours of the fighting. The base has since been reflagged from [Free Naplian Capital] Peaceful Protest to [Loyal Naplian Capital] DNA claim Ended so it's fair to say there was a clear message being sent by the GTT. We have been waiting for the DNA leadership to comment but so far they have been unusually silent. No doubt when they have crawled out from under their desks they will have something to say on the matter.

While this attack was going on several pirate ships were also seen in Aladdin, according to the GTT in what may be true or may be a diversion, with reports of a pirate GP and scout being destroyed while a 150HH pirate warship slipped away and escaped from incoming anti-pirate patrols.

Secret meeting of the EEM

A recent communication intercepted by one of our top reporters today made us aware of a meeting of the EEM. This is underway in a top secret location called Black Pool, which sounds suspiciously like the lair of a pirate band. After pulling in many favours, we were able to identify some of the attending members. On the bases that they won't be named we were able to find out some slight information of the subjects to be discussed at the meeting and one thing is for certain, there could be huge impacts to the lives of everybody living in the galaxy. Details to follow. When the shadowy figures of the EEM come together with the top political players in a pirate base the possibilities are endless!

You are never more than 6 systems from a RAT 🐀

A new saying has arisen in the bars and spaceport of starbases throughout the many peripheries; you are never more than 6 systems from a RAT.

It is understood that this saying originated in Yank and spread by trade vessels to peripheries far and wide. Many starbases have heightened their security and added additional sensors and locks to various entry points including foul and grey water outfalls. Beer and drug stocks are undergoing increased proofing to avoid the critters gaining entry and consuming the stockpiles.

Will this present as a new plague of proportions never before seen or is this some simple urban myth being spread for the amusement of some mischievous entity? Who knows, but to be certain... check the shadows.

This year we will again be returning to the Briardene Hotel. They were welcoming, the bar didn't run out of beer pre-covid and there was room for quiet chats. Along with Wetherspoons there is the Victoria just down the road (Sam Smiths - last time beer was around 2 shillings per pint and a full round was less than £10).

Mostly drinking beer and talking toot though we have a good few things on the agenda.

Bookings are done directly with the hotel. Book by phone and say that you are with KJC Games

Briardene Hotel
Telephone: +44(0)1253 338300
All staff should be able to deal with the booking but if there are any problems ask for Tracy (manager) as she dealt with all our foibles in previous years.
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*** Inter Galactic News ***

Dog days are over

With the fall of the DEN and the implosion of their home territory as the AFT, DTR and GTT moved in, it was unlikely the Dewiek would rise again. The DWP gave the species a little hope with the Dewiek Pocket Periphery kept under lock and key. But news has reached us of the AFT's penetration of this private area of space that's been locked down. With a base and claim in one of the three visible systems it seems that the end of the Dewiek is near. A once noble and aggressive race, determined to make an impact on the galaxy is now little more than a species that lives under the command of others. A sad end to a once powerful species that used to control a significant part of known space.

Pirate activity continues

Yet more reports of pirate activity have been received, one from the WMB, losing a freighter in Solo and another from the FET who reported they had engaged and hit the attacking pirate ship with several weapons before it managed to make off with it's prize. Hopefully the pirate ship took significant damage and will now be out of action for some time. The Corewards periphery seems to have been plagued with pirates recently and many travellers would welcome a break from attacks.

MEK incursion into Corewards

The FET and GTT have mounted a joint venture into Nog-Kesri to tackle a MEK force. It isn't known where they have come from, with the only other MEK ships seen so far being located in the Orion Spur. The lack of a known link between where they have appeared in Corewards and the Orion Spur has caused some concern among planetary populations as who knows where they could turn up next! Fortunately the combined FET/GTT task force dealt the MEK a heavy blow and the threat has been eradicated. But we all know this is unlikely to be the last we hear of the MEK in Corwards and we would encourage ship captains to keep a keen eye on thier sensor screens when travelling near Nog-Kesri.

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*** Inter Galactic News ***

  • CIA freighter fights off overwhelming pirate forces

  • Fin Saine media broadcast, What is Hot in the galaxy?!?!

  • MEKlan forces attack in Corewards Arm

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    *** Inter Galactic News ***

    Aladdin faces ongoing DNA/GTT tension

    The tensions between the DNA and GTT in the Coptuv system recently spilled over into the DNA system of Aladdin. A significant party of GTT ground troops has reinforced one of their bases in the system and claimed it, forcing the system claim into turmoil as the DNA finds itself under threat of losing the system. With the DNA chairman asking for help, several affiliations have been seen sending ships to evacuate any in the local population that want to escape the GTT. But so far not a shot has been fired and despite the AFT, FEL and DTR assistance no reisistance to the claim jump has been encountered so far. It remains to be seen if the DNA and it's friends will scatter before this hostile take over or put in a last minute counter claim to thwart GTT intentions.

    Increasing pirate activity

    Recent reports indicate a new surge in pirate attacks with the AFT and GTT reporting ships lost. Knowing how some don't like to advertise losses we wouldn't be surprised if this is the tip of the iceberg. Reports passed to us show the ship PIR Scavenger running ID 43174 and another ship of the same name running ID 68668 have both been in action with successful boarding attempts. It's unknown whether these are seperate ships or the same ship reregistered, but our information suggests that it would be hard for these pirates to cover the space where these attacks happened with just one ship. One thing is for sure, be on your guard as open space is not as safe as it once was.

    GCE ships loitering in deep space

    After the fall of the GCE and a lot of their assets being shared or purchased it was thought that the affiliation was no more. Yet deep space scans indicate that there is still a significant number of GCE warships holding station in deep space between Coptuv and Yank on the transport route into the Corwards Arm. Nobody knows what these ships are up to and why they are still flagged GCE, but our best guess is that are captains either awaiting new orders or owners after the fall of the GCE command structure.

    *** Affiliations ***

    AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
    BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
    BHD Brotherhood (63) - de Molay
    CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
    DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
    DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
    DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
    FCN Falconian Republic (70) – Graspien
    FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Kr'Shan
    FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
    FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
    GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
    HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
    KRL Krell (30) - Namica
    KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
    KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
    MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
    NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
    NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
    SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
    WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

    * Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
    ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


    *** Submissions ***

    By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.
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    *** Inter Galactic News ***

    Tension in the Corewards Arm

    With the DNA obtaining several ex-GCE bases in the Coreward Arm it has found itself in the middle of an asset grab of serious proportions and aggression. Our reporters witnessed several GTT troop carriers heading for the Corewards system as the DNA published information suggesting they were accidental owners of the system and that the assets were to be moved on. As the GTT ships started to arrive the bases were quickly passed to the CIA, thus thwarting the GTT intentions as they were hardly likely to start dropping troops on their allies bases. This shrew move by the DNA seems to have calmed matters in the Coreward arm temporarily, although the shift in relations between the GTT and DNA has taken a negative turn. When asked what their next move might be the GTT refused to comment.

    GCE collapse

    The GCE are no more, save for some scattered light freighters. The affiliation which enjoyed a sharp rise and profiltable relations with many has ceased trading. Rumors point to the GTT buying up GCE assets before stripping the rival corporation of anything of value. Although our reporters at the SSS have been quick to point out that any GCE assets not in GTT systems have been taken over by both the DNA and FET. So it seems many different affiliations were able to profit from this development including a new group called the HSH who appear to have taken over the GCE war fleet. No doubt many in the peripheries will be watching with interest where these ships are used, who the HSH are and how they were able to get thier hands on so many warships so quickly.

    Secudus trials

    In the Cluster Secudus has continued his trials, claiming to root out terrorists working against the Empire. With tends of thousands of beings being sent to the camps or worse. There is no sign of these actions stopping as the NHS clamp down on the locals and bring them under the harsh control of the Empire.

    *** Affiliations ***

    AFT Association of Free Traders (54) - Marion Tweedy
    BLG Bolg Organisation (22) - Akhenaten
    BHD Brotherhood (63) - de Molay
    CIA Combined Intelligence Agency (64) - Laton CIA
    DNA Displaced Natives Asylum (66) - DNA people
    DTR Detinus Republic (58) - Morley Decker
    DWK Dewiek Packs (19) - <Unknown>
    FCN Falconian Republic (70) – <Unknown>
    FEL Felini Tyranny (49) - Juris
    FLZ Flagritz Republic (47) - Kayxaer
    FET Frontier Exploration & Trade (56) - Cu Chulainn
    GTT Galactic Trade & Transport (52) - Xavier Fox
    HEX Hexamon (23) - Tranquility
    KRL Krell (30) - Namica
    KRT Krell of the Reverence Temple (37) - Cyn
    KST Kastor Kastorians (12) - Kastor
    MOH Mohache (73) – Listens
    NHS Noble Houses (41) – Roy Roberts
    NLF Naplian Liberation Front (38) - NLFHQ
    SMS Stellar Mining and Smelting (53) - MikhailM
    WMB Wimble Nations (25) - zz

    * Leader MAY be inactive, affiliation may be active
    ** Only known contact, please update us if this is incorrect.


    *** Submissions ***

    By private message to The Editor or via Mica if you prefer to remain anonymous.

    Free Ship when you sign-up
    Complete missions for in game rewards
    Control everything, up to an entire empire
    Dedicated human moderators
    Player and Moderator driven plotlines
    Discover new worlds to explore, exploit & colonise
    Over 20 years of content development
    Persistent Browser-Based Game (PBBG)

    I’ve played on and off for approximately 10 years, over a 20 year spell. After some interesting debate on the in-game forum, I did wonder what, exactly, has kept drawing me back to the game, when for so many others I’ve generally lost interest after a few months.

    Ultimately, I think it is a combination of automation (that allows the game to handle thousands of positions to interact on a daily basis) coupled with Special Actions (that allow the story arc to develop in a way that could not be catered for by a set of predefined list of available orders).